
Dieting and sporting activity cannot reduce every type of fat. Liposuction therefore aims to reduce stubborn subcutaneous fat tissue. Typical areas of application are the accretion of fat in the middle abdomen for women ("women's belly") and in the lumbar region for men ("love handles"). Suctioning excessive fat alters the surface and removes unwanted fat deposits permanently. To attain optimum skin tightening results after liposuction, we recommend a combination of techniques with Thermage treatment.


Liposuction with water jet technique

To achieve the gentle removal of fatty tissue that accentuates the figure, we use a novel water jet technique in which targeted fatty tissue is specifically dissolved. The desired figure is in fact sculpted by the use of very fine microcannulas with sharp and blunt tips. This leads to impressive, natural results.


A refinement of this technique is "high-definition liposculpture". Here, besides the sculpting liposuction already described, single fat cells acquired are transplanted back into the body again to give it the desired shape (so-called "micro fat grafting"). For example, this technique can be used to mould a six-pack.


Do you have any questions about liposuction? Contact us for a consultation with no commitment.