- A body with no cellulite. A widespread dream of many women. The possible products and methods of treatment for cellulite are equally widespread. Some more effective and others less so. The fact is that cellulite is not an illness but a natural phenomenon which usually occurs in women. Nevertheless it is felt to be annoying. With targeted treatment, the stubborn dimples can be efficiently minimised or even eliminated.
Selection of the best method of treatment is determined by the severity and appearance of the cellulite. For example, soft cellulite responds well to skin-regenerative techniques such as specific Thermage or autologous blood plasma treatment (Personalised Cell Therapy). Pronounced dimple formation, however, often requires targeted relief from specialist, sharp suction cannulas with superficial liposuction, a delicate and efficient method which has been significantly improved with the advent of the water jet technique. Here too, the secret of lasting success often lies in a combination of the most suitable therapies.