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Full, sensual lips look particularly attractive and are an expression of femininity. In the case of lip enhancement, our main aim is to achieve a look that is unobtrusive and natural. All our lip treatments are carried out with a lip anaesthetic (nerve block) on request and are thus largely painless. 


Lip injections

In the case of lip injections, we pay particular attention to achieving a natural shape that matches the contours of the face. Whether fine contours, discreet modification of their fullness or lip rejuvenations, thanks to the latest, specific hyaluronic acid fillers, extremely natural results can be achieved. 


Treatment of lip lines

Stubborn lip lines and "smoker's lines" represent a particular challenge to treatment. As a result of new, soft hyaluronic acid fillers that can be modelled and the latest application materials, such lines can be removed on a lasting basis without the lips losing their natural look. 


Permanent make-up (linergist)

In collaboration with one of the best-known linergists in Europe (Daniela Maria Grob), a distinctly realistic, three-dimensional rejuvenation of the lips can be achieved through a combination of injections and permanent make-up. 


Do you have any questions about lip enhancement? Contact us for a consultation with no commitment.