
Beautiful, well-groomed hands can be truly exquisite. But unfortunately, they are also subject to various ageing processes. We hold the aesthetic appeal of hands especially dear, which is why we use a whole range of selected rejuvenation techniques. 


The simple removal of unsightly changes to the surface of the skin can effect a massive improvement in the hands' appearance. For example, liver spots, senile warts, skin appendages and changes in pigmentation can be successfully treated with various laser techniques. The methods successfully used on the face such as peels, fractional lasers and microneedling are also used in an adapted form for renewing the skin on the hands. The regeneration and skin rejuvenation from skin boosters and/or autologous blood plasma make tired hands younger and fresher again. If hands lose their fat content, their volume and youthful fullness can be restored with various fillers such as hyalunronic acid gel. In the case of excess skin and slack skin, we have been successful in using PDO threads for regeneration and tightening.


Show us your hands! With our many years of experience, we will be happy to advise you on selecting the most suitable therapeutic technique. Do you have any questions regarding cellulite treatment? Contact us for a consultation with no commitment.